Snow Plowing Applications Now Available!

Snowplowing Application 2023-2024

You’ve downloaded the snow plowing application and as you skim the application you notice the fees . . .and maybe you choke a little at the increase. You’d not be the only one, we’re sure.  But here’s the reason for the fee increase:

Under Wis. Stat. § 86.105, municipalities may enter into contracts to plow private roads and driveways. This is optional, not a requirement, meaning the town is not required to provide the service and town residents are not required to opt in. However, if a town or village contracts with private property owners for the plowing of private roads or driveways, the amount charged must be sufficient to cover the municipality’s actual costs of providing the service to ensure that no general tax revenue is used to supplement the expense.

Unfortunately, fuel costs have risen dramatically – in 2021, the Town of Maple spent $10,713.86 on fuel; in 2022 the cost of fuel nearly doubled – to total $20,214.76; and, the town anticipates spending a similar amount on fuel in 2023. Thus, the dramatic increase in snowplowing fees.

But here’s the good news – it’s still fairly reasonable. On average, a driveway is plowed ten times in a snow plowing season, though some driveways are plowed 25 times or more, depending on drifting. If a resident pays the $300 fee and her driveway is plowed ten times, a single plow breaks down to $30 per event – and even less if the driveway is plowed more frequently.

Snow plowing is a service the Town of Maple provides to its residents, though the town is not legally obligated to do so; nor are residents required to utilize the service. However, in order to continue to provide snow plowing services to you, the town must charge accordingly.

We thank you for your understanding!